Location: Singapore

Monday, December 04, 2006

Have a Break, Have, er, Longer Break?

Exams over le. -_-v
This sem's exams like very jialat. Personally, my papers were all ok except for my ^&$%$ programming module. I knew/know nuts about C programming and I'm so sure it doesn't like me either. Why must they force us to take C programming? We are humans, supposedly smarter than those bloody computers. So why the heck must we dumb ourselves down to understand their language? Knn. Those knnbccb programmers so smart go invent a smarter program that understands what I want la.
Then the bloody programming paper is the worst I ever done lor. I see like so many of those taking the paper (everyone is forced to take this module) 30 mins before the paper end already sit there zuo bo. Not that they so damn good la, but because they dunno how to do. LOL. For me, I know how to do - anyhow do. Lol. Knn, then want to be like Xiaoshan liddat throw table walk out of exam hall also cannot. Cos this paper really IS easier than past years. I tried the past year papers can only do the MCQ. LOL.
But not as bad as the Bizad papers la. They all complain dian di one... lol. Think the worst was their Statistics. Knn. Students are allowed to bring in a single page-double sided cheat sheet for all their formulas. Then before exam start, they say the 2 pages MUST be on the same paper, if not they must CHOOSE 1 of the 2 cheet sheets and the other is confisicated. WTF. I think the whole exam hall all throw table and walk out liao la. CMI.
Anyways, on a brighter note, time to activate all the post exams plans!!! Keith, knn, where is the Boran T-Shirt Com?? FOP director damn big issit? Na-mah. (Quote Keith) Xiaoshan, when Rag Com Meeting? Later the Dean look at us say: Wah lao, U 2 Rag head and Rag Vice both dian di, both bloody bright green, only know how to talk cock, HOW TO WIN RAG??? Sack u 2 la. Ok, erm, I think Xiaoshan will be very happy if that happens. -_-"
Then all the activities who gonna organise?? Zoo trip? (Ya I know, very lame.) You all really wanna go zoo see xing xing ah? (Stars or Gorilla also same.) Then the chalet? Do what? Stare each other ah?
So many things to do, so little time. And we have less than 1 month break for all our suffering. Crap.


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