Just Another Blog??

Location: Singapore

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Difference Between Bizad and Others

How to tell Bizad is different?

1. Bizad modules love projects, projects and more projects. A significant percentage of your overall grade is based on the project. And the worst part is some of the projects SUCK. Like my marketing project. Interview a manager of a restaurant and salon?? Kaoz. But some of the projects are interesting la, like MNO where they gotta shoot a video. I personally had fun being an extra... and a damn guai lan one too. Lol.

2. There's no such thing as a term break for a Bizad-er. Simply because they are too busy doing all their projects that they gotta have meetings all the time. You just take a walk around NUS and you see Bizad is like anormal school day while the rest are pretty quiet. No wonder most of the Bizad-ers are looking forward to after the term break cos thats when they finish their projects.

3. Bizad likes to plan things way in advance. Especially for important events like Rag and Flag. Kaoz, they are already searching for the Rag and Flag committees. And they'll probably be planning for these major events from this December? But anyway will like to take this opportunity to show some support.

I say Xiao Shan (Kevin) Rag Head Number 1, You dun believe very Cham!!!
You say Qinyao Flag Head Number 2, I will say You Cuckoo!!!

I really think that Kevin can be the Rag head lor. He has the passion, the experience, the knowledge and most importantly, the support of the whole Boran. And plus he say he Rag Head will just win all 9 shields again. LOL. But personally, its up to him la. If he wants to be, I'll support him. If not, then at least he volunteers for Rag Com rite?
And Qinyao for Flag Head! Wah, this one really support. I told him liao, if he be Flag Head, I confirm join his Flag Com. If he not Flag Head, I confirm won't join. Not that I anti-Flag. But I have my reasons which Qinyao knows. But if he becomes Flag Head, I am willing to put aside my reasons and help Qinyao k? And again, no compulsion. If he wanna be Flag Head, I'll support him. If not, then so be it.

4. And lastly, the last difference is that I am in Bizad. Who the f*** says I'm not a Bizad-er?? My matric card says Engineering, but if u go scan my bloody card in the system, you'll find me under Bizad database also k?? Even the Dean of Bizad considers me a Bizader, who the f*** are those who doubt my identity?? And in any case, I'm willing to help Bizad, why not? Deny me the priviledges of a Bizader, but dun deny me a place there. I cheer for Bizad one, k??

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Time Flies... Regardless whether You have Fun.

It seems like I have just entered uni and I'm now already halfway through a semester. Its funny how the weeks seem to fly by. I think all of us (uni undergrads) will agree that we've been caught up with all the non-stop tutorials and projects that there doesn't seem to have enough time. (I mean, there's a reason why they call NUS No Undergrads Survive rite??)
I'm still quite free... still slacking around the Bizad campus, talking cock and watching others busy with their own projects. Not that I'm mocking or kaopeh-ing the others, (Ha! Suckers!!! Sorry.) but it really is interesting watching others busy with their own stuff.
In particular, its nice to watch the 20th Bizad Club com members get on with their recruiting for the various projects. I have personally volunteered for Gong Lei's (aka Mr Bizad.) Academic com cos basically, the whole Boran is in. They should rename it Boran com or something. And the best part is this year, the Club President has some very big plans for the Academic com, so if the plans do fall in place, we are in for a tough time. But then again, we are Boran. Xiao on one. Or maybe just plain Xiao. So I'm sure we'll get it done. I mean, the most we just blame Gong Lei and Huimin rite?? (The Acad head and vice head.) LOL.
I mean, it is openly known among the club that Boran is the zai one. And they even say need us for next year's Rag lor, if not no one will go down and do rag liao. Lol. Well, I dunno about that. But our stance is very clear: We will all only wait to see who is the FOC and Rag Heads before committing ourselves. At least that is my stance la.
But anyway thats a long way to go ba. We should just think about our mid-term tests and projects first. Wahaha. Better not to think so much. Just let time run and see ba.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Farewell is not Forever

It appears that around this age, this period, we start sending our friends of to faraway countries where they hope to further their studies and pursue their dreams. I have sent off a few friends already. And on Monday, we (as in we bunch of VS losers. Lol.) sent Jeremy off to Ireland, where he'll be studying medicine. And he'll next return only a year later during his term break.
We have all known Jeremy since our VS days. (Duh, if not he won't belong to the VS bunch.) Come to think of it, it has been at least 6 long years we knew each other. I recognise him as one of the most mild tempered friends I ever known. Crap, I've never seen him lose his temper before. And he is always so cheerful. Kns, let's not make it sound like we'll never see him again k?
But the funniest thing I remember about him was when the VS gang went to the Rice Table at Suntec for dinner. It was an ala-carte buffet la, meaning there is a menu where you can order any dish any amount you like. So after like 1 round of all the dishes, we were all full liao. Then Jeremy ask, "Eh, u all dun want already meh??" Then we all full liao, nua already. Eat anymore confirm puke all out. Then he said, " Ok lor, I order for myself." Then he called the waiter over. He point to the menu. "This, this this. These 3 items... I dun want. The rest give me one of each." We were all like, O_O. And the best part was, he finished them all - by himself. Lol. Oh ya, did I mention that he loves to eat??
But anyway, while my other frens blog about how they'll miss him etc, I choose to put it differently. One thing I learnt is that 'No' is never the final word; Goodbye is never forever. So its not like we won't see Jeremy again. Rather, I'm happy - happy for him that he has a chance to pursue his dreams. Yes, we'll all miss his company. But I suppose we'll all gladly forgo his company for four years, and hope that he'll return happier, better-off and successful. Right?
So to Jeremy: All The Best. Have Fun and Don't Forget Us. Till We Meet Next Year...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Let Time Flow, Flow With Time

After only a month in school, I am starting to have a growing notorious reputation. It appears that I'm the most 'free' person around. Whenever the seniors finish lesson and want to find someone to talk cock with to while time away, they SMS me and ask me where I am. It so appears that I spend all my free time between and after lessons in Bizad cos basically, thats where my frens are (Really.) and the environment there is less hostile than at engg. (Really also.)
And it also appears that I have alot of free time. Dunno why, but basically thats why you'll see me at Bizad almost everyday. So I sort of become a 'pit stop'. People wanna go lunch, I'll be there. People wanna mug, I'm there too. Most importantly, people wanna talk cock and chill, I'll be there definitely. In fact, I place my top priority in talking cock with frens. I know some of you out there will say I'm a mugger, I'm bullshitting etc. But its very simple actually. You don't mug in school, you can do it at home. But you don't talk cock, chill with frens while in school, then when? I mean, of course, if you have a tight schedule, lots of tutorials, sure, go ahead. But I feel that once we all graduate, and part, very little chance to chill again. But of course la, if nobody wanna talk cock with me, I'll mug. Simple.
Dunno if the newer batch of students (freshies. Like i damn lao jiao liddat.) agree with me. (Apparently not. All the freshies staying back in school all mugging away.) But I know the seniors definitely agree with me - cos the people I always talk cock with are all seniors. But I not like Weisheng liddat kaopeh "Why study so much?? Also not A+!!??" Kaoz. So much from a person who got into Dean's List once.
I know some people will ask why I waste time like this. Well, I'm not wasting time. I mean, talking to them (seniors), you can really learn a lot of things that they don't teach in textbooks, lectures nor tutorials. Anyway maybe its just me - I like talking to people.
And saw Kendrick's post on meaningful quotes and got quite inspired. Since we're on the subject on time, here's mine: Good Things Must Wait and Are Worth Waiting For.